About Us

Founded in 2022 by Prof. Dr. Ilir Mustafaj, Mustafaj Law Firm offers to its clients assistance and multidisciplinary judicial and extrajudicial advice.

Thanks to the long experience of 25 years in the academic and judicial sector of its founder Prof. Dr. Ilir Mustafaj and the academic and professional experience of the members of the Law Firm, Mustafaj Law Firm is characterized by very high standards offered in the assistance and defense, in every state and level of judgment before any judicial body, ordinary or special, civil, administrative or penal.


It offers legal assistance to individuals and businesses, credit and banking institutions, insurance companies in all areas of civil, administrative and criminal law.

Civil Law

Administrative Law

Criminal Law

Legal Training Courses


Mustafaj Law Firm staff has multidisciplinary training and specific competencies in the areas of expertise where it operates. With strong relations with the academic world in the main Albanian and foreign universities, the Studio is able to meet the increasingly complex requirements of clients by offering legal training courses.